And the world came together…
together but apart

And the world came together…

COVID-19 has required us to keep our physical distance but it's also connected us in new ways, and brought out our gentleness and generosity. Can we maintain our awareness of how interconnected we are?

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The Selfie Reflective Podcast with Amy Giddon — Bridging the Empathy Divide

The Selfie Reflective Podcast with Amy Giddon — Bridging the Empathy Divide

After scrolling through your social media feeds, are you left feeling more connected? Understood? Understanding? Joyful? Or does the experience often leave you feeling more disconnected? Polarised? Confused? Divided, even? In this episode, we talk with Amy Giddon, co-founder and CEO of Daily Haloha - an application that aims to rekindle a sense of shared humanity and empathy through anonymity and curiosity.

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The TypA Podcast with Amy Giddon — Rekindling empathy through mindful tech

The TypA Podcast with Amy Giddon — Rekindling empathy through mindful tech

The TypA Podcast - For & About Impact Entrepreneurs visits Daily Haloha founder Amy Giddon to discuss her journey creating tech as a non-technical founder, her dedication to support ambitious women in their careers, and her overall desire to help rekindle empathy.

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We Broke Down Social Media to Build Up Humanity

Our mission is to rekindle empathy and connection to our shared humanity. Given how important it is for empathy-building to feel heard and to acknowledge to others that they too have been heard, for the latest release of Daily Haloha we created response stickers.

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