Amy Giddon of Daily Haloha Interview from
"Daily Haloha is building community one question at a time." LaKay Cornell interviews Amy Giddon of Daily Haloha.
"Daily Haloha is building community one question at a time." LaKay Cornell interviews Amy Giddon of Daily Haloha.
Daily Haloha cofounder Amy Giddon is interviewed by Bonnie Marcus in Forbes Women.
We just recently discovered a wonderful app that offers you a daily routine to help you feel a little more connected to the rest of humanity. The app is called Daily Haloha, and I am so appreciative to have found it.
Life coach Sara Smeaton interviews Amy Giddon for her Power Profiles series.
A app that offers a place to reflect and connect, without the possibility of judgment or anger? Sign us up! If tech can help bring us together, create empathy and help us feel grateful and reflective, we say, yes let’s do this. We spoke with Amy Giddon, Daily Haloha’s Co-Founder and CEO, who told us more about how they are trying to do just that.